Sunday, July 12, 2009

Author Study Unit Plan - SEYMOUR SIMON

I created a Unit Plan on the author Seymour Simon.  I was very interested in his books about science and nature and plan on using this Unit Plan in my future classroom!

Check out the PDF version... click on the link below! 


I was very excited when I saw that I was to compose a unit plan on Seymour Simon.  I have always loved reading his books on science topics.  I remember in elementary school my teachers reading books by him and I would love to check them out from the school library.

Each and every one of his books has wonderful facts about various topics in science and wildlife.  They are great resources to keep handy in the classroom during science lessons.  I think there are many of his books that would be great attention getters for new materials, or even to base an entire lesson around one of the many books he has written.  The aftermath of reading one of his books is to find beauty in nature and to love and respect the Earth we live on. 

Fourth grade students will love the books by Seymour Simon and will learn a lot by reading them.  Some of his most popular books include Earth: Our Planet In SpaceThe Human Body, Wildfires, The Moon, and Animals Everybody Loves. 

Seymour Simon is a very talented author and I was very glad I had him to be able to read more about his life and the books he has written. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kendra - I was very interested in looking at your unit plan for Seymour Simon. I am an elementary librarian who is going to do an author study comparing Seymour Simon and Bobbie Kalman and then use Skype to do videoconferencing with another school to discuss what we noticed.

    The link to your .pdf did not work. I would love it if you can send me a copy.

    Thanks so much!
    Jenny Lussier
